Northwood Community Apartments

Network Services at Northwood

Each Northwood apartment is equipped with a cable modem that provides internet access. The cable modem also provides television service at Northwood I, II, IV, and V. Specific connection information and troubleshooting instructions are available in our Northwood NetGuides.

You can use the ethernet outlet on the cable modem in your Northwood apartment to connect your computer and other devices to the internet. To connect more than one device, you will need an ethernet switch. Full instructions are included in the NetGuides linked above.

While many devices may be able to connect to WiFi, ITS suggests using wired connections whenever possible. An ethernet (wired) connection will still offer the best functionality for gaming systems, smart TV's, etc. If you need to register a device for use on the wired network, please visit U-M Network Registration. (You will be asked to first agree to the Network Responsible Use Agreement, and then you'll be taken to an online form to register your device.)