Proposal Management Access

Log in to eResearch Proposal Management with a uniqname and a UMICH password, and an eResearch Proposal Management account is automatically created for you.

  • You are given the PI & Project Team role (you can create proposals).
  • If you need to be able to review proposals for your department, contact the Research Unit Liaison for your unit to obtain access.
TIP: If you cannot find someone in eResearch Proposal Management, you can create an account for anyone who has uniqname and a UMICH password or Friend account. See Create an eResearch Account.

If you are completing a proposal for a faculty member who is not yet at U-M (does not have a uniqname and a UMICH password), you can create an eResearch account for them after they create a Friend account.

Important! After the faculty member has a uniqname and password, please request a service ticket for the eResearch team to have the Friend account updated in eResearch with the uniqname and password.