Microsoft Office 365 at U-M

U-M Microsoft Office 365 is available to current University of Michigan faculty, staff, students, sponsored affiliates, and emeritus with regular (not temporary) uniqnames. Alumni and retirees are not included in the university's licensing terms with Microsoft. For more information on alumni and retirees, refer to Microsoft Office 365: Accounts for Those Who Leave U-M.

Note: U-M Dropbox and U-M Google are the recommended services for collaboration at the university.
Important: The Microsoft Office 365 productivity apps are available to all MiWorkspace (MWS) managed machines. If you are using an MWS Windows machine, you can self-install the apps from the Software Center. If you are using an MWS macOS machine, the apps should already be installed. You can also install the local Office 365 productivity apps on your personal devices.
Notice: There is a known error involving U-M Microsoft Office 365 on Macs: "Your account [uniqname] doesn't allow editing on a Mac. To learn more, contact your admin about your Office plan." To learn how to fix this error, refer to Your Account Doesn't Allow Editing on a Mac (Office Error).

Michigan Medicine

The Microsoft 365 service for Michigan Medicine will be managed separately to meet the organization’s regulatory, contractual, and security requirements. News and updates can be found on the HITS project page. The ITS-managed Microsoft 365 service for academic campuses is not permitted for Michigan Medicine business, education, patient care, or research use. Data or accounts created in Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive in the ITS-managed service cannot be migrated to the Michigan Medicine environment.

Sensitive Data

FERPA is the only type of sensitive university data allowed in OneDrive, which is where the web-based Office 365 apps automatically save files. Refer to the Sensitive Data Guide for appropriate storage and collaboration options for the particular sensitive data types with which you work.


Refer to the testing results and recommendations from ITS Support Services.