Slack at U-M

Slack at U-M is a collaboration tool that enhances workgroup communications. It provides a searchable platform for individuals and groups to chat in real-time, share content, and keep conversations organized and accessible from anywhere, anytime. U-M Slack accounts are available to all active faculty, staff, students, and Type one sponsored affiliates on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses and Michigan Medicine.

Slack at U-M includes:

  • Dedicated channels for individual topics, projects, or teams.
  • Searchable history in all channels.
  • Ability to share content.
  • Slack Huddles for live conversations.

Sensitive Data with Slack

Slack at U-M is not approved for sensitive university data at this time. You are responsible for using Slack appropriately and ensuring appropriate precaution for all kinds of sensitive data in Slack at U-M.